Shop JellybeanCompany

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Gave Birth to Girl, but Shop in the Little Boys Dept.

Would you believe that I wanted to have a boy first before having a girl? Maybe that's why I always find myself in the little boys, I think i have a little rugged flare about me...whatever that is. I just made that up, but it sounds cool.

Well, though I have a baby girl, I still always finagle my way to the little boys section. I really like the infant boy prints and the fact that they have clothes with collars. I don't know why, but a lot of girl clothes don't have collars. Give me a collar. Give me some army fatigue stuff. I digress.  Okay, so last week I got this stripped one piece from the boys section (it has a collar) and it had a like a little car on the pocket. I thought I am going to transform this piece into a little girlie number.

In my creative mind, I thought, I'm going to make my little one a flower brooch so that I can cover that little blue car. So I did. I picked the color yellow to make a fabric flower and added a hand rolled rose with netting (the netting gave it a little rugged flare).

 Okay so now that the flower brooch was done. We needed some hair candy to tie it all in. I was indecisive at first,  as to whether I should make a fabric flower headband too..then I thought that would be overkill. So I decided to highlight the green roses! I call it the Sublime Sunshine headband:) By the way you can order this set or your own a custom color set from my etsy shop, (JellybeanCompany)

Voila finito! Royal wore this outfit to church on Sunday:)  Here are a couple of pictures from Sunday with her wearing the entire ensemble. Now would you have guessed that I got this from the boy's section ha ha! I think we succeeded in "making our jellybean pop!"

Giving Birth Changes Things...

This here's my first posting and it amazes me that here I am, back to writing about another adventure. So recently, I opened an Etsy shop called  JellybeanCompany (feel free to check it out). It's an accessory company for children and adults.   I opened this shop as a way to make a little extra money, given that with the birth of my first biological child, Royal, we are now a family of 8.  Well,  honestly I didn't open the shop to make a lot of money (though I do want to bring in the dough:), but as a way to stay sane in the house full of 8 (house of 10 if you include our animals).

I love crafting and making things. I always have. It's  something about finishing a project that gets me on a high and allows me to just zone out.  All throughout my pregnancy, I made things : crochet car seat blankets, paintings, scrap books, etc. When I gave birth to Royal in December 2014, I didn't think I would be so into the girl stuff (yikes, I pride myself on not being a girlie girl...I'm a tomboy...but I digress)...but I don't know what happened. Royal turned me into a girl lol! I wanted her to have awesome accessories to match her outfits, but when I went to find her hair-bows, I didn't see anything I liked. I don't really like baby colors...I like bold and weird instead of settling for what was in the stores, I figured, I'd make it. After getting compliments on her hair bows and even having some of friends comment on them wanting to adorn themselves with brooches,  I figured I would would put my creations in an etsy shop. Ta Dah! JellybeanCompany is born with the goal of making your Jellybean pop! Basically, I'm aiming to make your outfit pop!!

We shall see how this blogging will turn out:)